American wingnuts have taken their best shot at ruining our country's future, so now they're going after the past. I totally saw something like this coming, but even as jaded as I am, I never saw them going after Thomas frickin' Jefferson. Every time I think I've set my expectations low enough, they find a way to go lower and lower. At this point, the only hope for America is for the old fucks who vote for these jackasses to die off and be replaced by a more reality-based electorate. Which is almost enough for me to get behind some deep cuts to Medicare. Eggs, omelette, etc.

Oh, speaking of the nickel and the $2 bill, now the Republicans want to replace U.S. Grant with Ronald Reagan on the $50. Grant wasn't our best President, but I'd say he was miles ahead of Jackson when you look at the totality of their domestic and foreign records.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff