Originally Posted By: Phoenix42
Cargo snap buckles secure the bag to the rack.
Un-snap the buckles, remove from roof and store in truck/boot with other junk.

Hmm, I might have to take a closer look at that one.

Originally Posted By: wfaulk
Yeah, it looks like they might be a pain in the ass to move back and forth.

Do you have a trailer hitch? How about something like this or this or this?

Unfortunately that might be difficult even if I had a trailer hitch, as I live in a condo complex and my car is parked in a pretty tight garage.

You know, one thing I hadn't thought of is that when this thing is on the roof, it's going to be getting covered in bugs and bird crap and dirt in general. I probably wouldn't want to put it back inside my nice clean car...

I might need to rethink this a little. At the very least I need to clean my car out smile