This is about as close as I can come.
I added sliders to set the spring's extended length and stroke, and used those to calculate real-world dimensions.
I also added sliders for lid weight and spring force. In both cases, it's applied force, which isn't really linear, but, eh. I also added a movable point and vectors attached to it to indicate when the spring would be applying enough force to overcome the weight. Again, the forces are very oversimplified.
Remaining problems:
The lid mountpoint offset is still measured as a fraction of the unit circle, because trying to do it in inches creates a circular definition, and, honestly, I don't feel like redoing it that much. So a little fiddling will be required.
Also, since the scale of the diagram changes as you move the mount points and angles, you'll have to perform a manual feedback loop to get things nailed down.
BrunosHinge.ggb (298 downloads)
Bitt Faulk