After receiving an electric bill that claimed I used more than four times more KWH of electricity in a 60-day billing period than had ever been used during a similar period in the four year history of my house, I am preparing to do battle with CFE, the Mexican national power company.

Since CFE does the proper (IMHO) thing by increasing the cost per KWH as the usage increases, this caused a truly staggering electric bill.

I only have four things in the house that use more than a few watts of power: My computer, SWMBO's computer, the TV set, and the refrigerator. Everything else is just light bulbs and stuff like the cable modem and telephone answering machine. Before I go storming in there, I want to be sure that it truly isn't possible that I could have used an average of 20 KWH per day.

I figure the refrigerator to be the largest user, at about 3--4 KWH per day.

Next would be my computer, usually on for about 15 hours per day. It is probably pretty power hungry, with four hard drives, a 22" LCD monitor, AMD dual-core processor at 3GHz, 2 GB RAM (recently upgraded to 4 GB), and audio and video on their own cards (i.e., not on the motherboard). There is a color laser printer that sits in standby mode (i.e., fuser not heated) 99.9% of the time.

SWMBO's computer is an iMac, sits in sleep mode about 20 hours per day, gets used about 4 hours.

The TV set is a Sharp LCD, 32", and is on for maybe three hours per week and is probably not a significant factor in overall usage.

I have been taking my own meter readings every morning for the past 10 days, and daily usage (according to the meter) is 5--7 KWH per day. This makes it hard for me to believe that I used 1200 KWH in the preceding 60 days. Apparently I am not alone in my complaint. There have been news stories about others besides myself suddenly hit with impossible electric bills, so possibly they have some problem with their billing software.

Can anyone hazard a guess as to what my power usage might be for the two computers?

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"