I'm disappointed, though, because they're coming through this area and they're playing the outdoor amphitheater again.
Normally the amphitheater gigs are great, it's what they've been doing lately. Amphitheaters are generally awesome gigs, and I much prefer them to arena and stadium shows.
The problem is that if they come to Seattle, it means that they play the
White River Amphitheater. It's a nice enough place as amphitheaters go, but as you can see from the map, it's accessed by miles and miles of little residential roads. The traffic backup when leaving the concert is mind-boggling. I saw Rush there once, and I shall never, ever return. I don't care if someone gets me free tickets... that traffic jam getting out of the place is beyond all levels of rational tolerance.
Based on my new chosen home here in the Pacific Northwest, this means I may be destined to never see them play live again. That actually makes me a little teary-eyed.