Bruno, unfortunately that grate looks like I'd end up with four stuck paws. It's a little hard to get scale from that photo, but I'm guessing the holes are pretty large.
I have two of those, one currently in use, the other sitting in my garage, because I don't have space in the current set-up for it. They work okay-ish -- certainly better than nothing -- but are not a panacea. A single one doesn't cover enough of an area. Litter is tenacious, and will cling to the cats long enough for them to step past the mat.
Wow! I didn't expect anyone here to actually have one of them! Thanks for the feedback. It's good to know how effective it is, though I think it would be better than what I have. I just wish the company still sold them. I'd be happy to take your spare off your hands

Name your price! (actually, I don't even know how much they cost when they were for sale, so you can gouge me here

And you're not kidding about the tenacity of litter in its ability to cling to the cats' paws. It's ridiculous! If anything, I would have thought that slightly larger-grain litter would track less, but apparently there's really no difference, as I have a pretty high-quality litter and it tracks just as much as the next brand