Originally Posted By: Dignan
the default behavior in all versions of Windows was that all new explorer windows open to the size of the last closed window.

You're absolutely correct. That is the default behavior. Except that it doesn't always work.

A little Googling will show that this is a common complaint, and very difficult to fix. My windows worked just fine for a couple of years, then changed to a different "default" size, and nothing I have been able to do has made them go back to the size I want. Some people have had luck with closing the window with the Ctrl key pressed, but that didn't work for me. Lots of people have this problem, which is why there is a 17 page instruction on the internet on how to fix it.

The good news is that part way down page 3 there is a link to a download that gives you a *.reg file that is supposed to do all 17 pages for you. I haven't run it yet because my computer is in the middle of a very long process (10 hours and counting) that I don't want to interrupt and I think a registry edit during that might be pushing it a little bit.

It has three and a half minutes to go as I type this so, soon now, soon...

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"