Same as Stig says goes for me as well. I don't post all that often, and if I do it's usually a question

, but I read the forums almost every day. This is the only forum I've ever come across which holds so much information and knows pretty much everything about anything (anything I could think of anyway).
I'd hate to see it fade away. I really hope it's still here twenty or more years from now.
In psychology there's the term 'flashbacks' meaning people can remember exactly where they were and what they were doing when certain important things took place. Like eg., most people still remember where they were when they heard about the Challenger space shuttle exploding.
I have several of these events in my life in which this forum plays a role.
Eg, when I first heard about the 9/11 attacks, I was reading this forum. I will never forget that. I can even remember the post I was reading at that time. When my wife went into labour of our first, I was reading this forum before I took her to the hospital,...

This is just to say this forum is important to me, and so are the people running it and posting on it, even if I've never met most of you. Some of you I have met, Tom being one of them. I really hope this will happen again one day.