I'll see if I can find some examples of it from our Italy-2008 photos.
As I recall, the "bulls-eye bokeh" effect happens mainly when shooting "into the light", and is rarely seen otherwise. So as a habit, I avoid shooting into bright light with this lens, and don't have many examples.
The lens is tack sharp in normal use. So here, I'm making a list of samples, and will be editing this post with new ones as I dig through the collection.
These first ones, show just how sharp this lens can be in dark light, wide-open, with good bokeh, no tripod.
Spiked Lamp.
Lonely Lamp.The Raw original files look every bit as good/bad as these reduced size jpg images.
Here's the only example I've found that has even a hint of the bokeh issue:
Garden Statue.
And here is a
100% crop of the background from a JPG created from the raw file. If you pixel-peep in a good image viewer, you just might see a hint of the tiny bulls-eyes. Or not.
