Originally Posted By: mlord
Anything downtown with suites in the name will be good and fun. Eg, this one is particularly well placed.

And from the looks of it, a lot of them are booked solid. What's going on up there?

Originally Posted By: mlord
Are you coming here for biz? And where is the biz taking place?

Going up as a result of one of the grown man playdates I set up for the other half. Will be spending some time at Scotia Bank place, as well as the airport. Everything else will involve following around the guy who works up there.

Originally Posted By: mlord
Scotiabank Place is the nom du jour of the local NHL rink, out in the boonies. If you have business near there, then the Holiday Inn Express in Kanata (at Kanata/Castlefrank Ave & HWY 417) is the newest digs.. Nothing much to do other than shop out that way, though.

I know what it is, can't watch as much hockey as I do without picking that one up ;p Just not used to the arena in the boondocks concept. The map was leading me to think that way.

"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." -Susan B Anthony