Case one

Borrowed the girlfriends car and was confronted with these strange plastic things with two holes in them that have to be put into a slot in dash to make music. Strange searcing method used where you read paper notes on plastic boxes. Gave up on these and tryed radio and listened to local station started playing a song i disliked and discovered to my horror no skip button on radio.

I try to avoid the soft squishy people as much as possible and their "analog" storage devices. Think you stumbled upon a mythical "casette tape". You know the device the MPAA says it's ok to copy and distribute.

Case two

Describing empeg to someone and being told that it can't have 32Gig so it must be 32meg eventually gave up in my struggle to educte masses

Tell them you can put your entire CD collection on it and they will get the idea even if they have no concept of storage.

Case Four

The classic response i don't own that many cds i don't see the point.

Tell them the extra storage is used for GPS maps. That will REALLY confuse them (Thanks Kim!)

Case Five Don't repeat this one

Showed girlfriend with slightly dubious music taste how to work empeg, Got larger hard disc in empeg. Now forced to listen to Bryan adams whenever she gets near the remote.

I have the same problem except I am forced to listen to No Doubt. On the flip side, she figured out how to use the unit by herself in less than 5 minutes. My techie freak friend from VA picked up the remote and within 1 minute found all the Dead Can Dance tunes. His comment "I love an easy to navigate interface"
