Sub-levels in the Search Results screen has been requested before. Anyone have links to those discussions?

In my collection, the multiple-result thing doesn't happen very often, but I agree that a sub-tree of those results would be nice for those situations. The problem is the screen real estate necessary to get the details of each individual result (so you can discern which one you want to choose). I'm sure something could be worked out, the question is whether this feature would be high on Empeg's priority list.

In my collection, the main reason one might see a multiple-result would be when both a studio version and a live performance of the same song was available. This isn't a problem for me because I've gone to the extra trouble to make sure the text "(Live)" is appended to the track title of every live performance in my collection. If that's your only reason for needing the sub-tree, you might want to consider doing the same.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris