Originally Posted By: Roger

I'm considering getting my eyes lasered, rather than buy any more pairs of glasses.

I've thought about that but decided it is just too late and just too risky. I'm 40 in January and I already have to take my glasses off to read small text*, so if I had my eyes lasered I'd no doubt have to start using reading glasses pretty quickly.

I'm also not convinced that the problem with halos at night effects as few people as the companies who do lasering claim. I suspect that some people just aren't that picky about visual quality as others. I think I'm at the picky end of the spectrum (for example I often used to be the one person in the room driven mad by low refresh rate monitor flicker before the blessed relief of the arrival of LCD screens).

Also my prescription is fairly low (~-1.5 IIRC), which probably makes it less compelling than someone who needs glasses to find the bathroom in the morning wink

* I'm not looking forward to the point where I need reading glasses just to read my iPhone like Eryl now does
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday