As some of you know, I was alpha-testing one of the prototype tuner modules. (Nice unit, by the way, you will all be very pleased with its performance when it becomes available.)

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Thanks Tony, I think I'll be doing a similar wiring job when i get my Tuner, There are several things I want to sort out. I might even slurge some bucks on a new amp. At the moment I'm using a small, cheap 4x75w amp and have to have the gains set so high that there is an eternal processor buzzing. Fortunately this is only at low volumes but it's crap when you have to kill some time and have a sleep in the car, listening to some quiet melodies.
mmm, so where am i heading with this? well, I don't really know. But I'm again insanely jelous of you and grateful for you passing on this pointer.

/non-empeg> I did a non-empeg install in my boss's car yesterday. It was made 300% easier by getting Ford to ISO Aepro interconnects. Literally Plug and Play. Even the stereo output of the Head unit to the cars 4 way system wasn't a prob. Just insert some cable splice connecters and we were away.

So anyway, Love to stay and chat but the cows need milking.

Murray 06000047
I don't think, therefore I am not.
-- Murray I What part of 'no' don't you understand? Is it the 'N', or the 'Zero'?