You probably want to look into "conditional formatting".
Add, change, or remove conditional formats1) Select the cells for which you want to add, change, or remove conditional formatting...
And therein lies the problem. The cells I have to conditionally format are semi-randomly distributed throughout the 34,188 [so far - it will grow as I add more verbs] cells of the spreadsheet. A "formatted" cell is indistinguishable from a "non-formatted" cell until I actually make the change by typing in the irregular verb. At that point, it is easier to just let the "Enter" key do the formatting for me by means of the keyboard macro. All I have to do is remember to suspend the macros when I'm not working on the flash cards.

Hmmm... maybe something along the line of "If the cell does not contain a formula, change it to bold 14pt red", but that would be a problem because there are lots of "non-verb" cells (column headers, etc.) that are not to be re-formatted that also do not contain formulas. No, the way I'm doing it is probably best, at least with my limited knowledge of Excel. If I didn't have the macro keyboard, my attitude would be different, I'm sure!

As long as we're talking about Excel spreadsheets, I have a question. I made the mistake of highlighting a group of columns (not a group of cells, but columns covering rows 1 through infinity) and setting up gridlines. Somehow (I'm not sure how or why, because I can't reproduce this but it has happened to me before) I ended up with my end-of-file row being thousands of rows past the end of my data. (I define end-of-file as being the cell you end up at when you type "Ctrl-End".) The only way I've ever been able to fix this has been to copy my data to the clipboard, open up a new spreadsheet and paste the data. I've never been able to "shorten" an extended spreadsheet back to just the end of the data. How can I do that?