Originally Posted By: wfaulk
I'm pretty sure he already uses LastPass.

I do, and it appears I was a victim of the Gawker attack (as I said in the initial post, I've commented on Lifehacker, which is a Gawker site - unfortunately). Still, none of the sites that I've had login problems with have passwords ANYWHERE near being similar to the one I used on Lifehacker. That one was a fairly easy to hit password, admittedly. It was sort of a dictionary word plus some numbers, but I didn't really care because I didn't use it on other sites. My passwords for the sites I'm having problems with are passwords like: uK38wric (randomly generated using LastPass). I'll probably up the password requirements so they're a little longer have have special characters.

Just now I changed my Facebook password for the third time, and it's still a new, secure password... It looks like someone was definitely accessing the account, because now Facebook is freaking out about some event "I created" called "Fr3e PS3 Slim for Holiday," which they removed, and they're not hounding me with a message that they've removed it, and even though I "acknowledge" it, they keep showing it to me. This is getting strange.

Sigh...I think my evening is going to be spent changing passwords on all my sites one-by-one. Damn, I was going to finish Dexter tonight. Boo frown