No, F***off unless you're better at it than itunes:
What on earth is the point of these services if they're so low tech. that all they're doing is grabbing on to a basic detail of your library?
Don't question my taste in music, but when did Wilson Pickett record Elgar's Pomp & Circumstance? Albert King's Adagio for Organ & Strings, oh, I get it ALBinoni, the first three letters are the same so that must be the right cover!
I went to a great deal of trouble, when I first got a Squeezebox, even scanning or photographing my older and more obscure albums to get it right, on opening media player on purchasing my new PC, I would have thought that my option was to click a box if I wanted to download media information from the internet, not unclick one.
I've had to delete the lot and re-load from my back up, but it's still confused.
I'm only using Media Player because its DLNA links to my Sony DVD player and that, in general, works as well as my WD media player did.
Just a rant!
Politics and Ideology: Not my bag