Another happy Synology user here too.

I have a DS101g+ which has run faultlessly for many years, and have now upgraded to a DS710+ as my primary NAS and am using the DS101g+ (hacked to a "DS107" and running an upgraded DS107 firmware - see the Synology forum for info) as a network backup for the DS710+.

I considered the DS409slim when I was researching NAS upgrades and was initially attracted by the low power consumption, low noise and small footprint. However, the limitation of only being able to use 2.5" drives put me off.

IMO, unless you really needed the space saving, you could get all the other benefits by running 2.5" drives in the other models that use a Freescale processor, and have the flexibility to use 3.5" drives if you needed more space for the price.

The 'full size' models give you the choice of 3.5" or 2.5" drives (the 2.5" drives bolt straight in without adapter cradles and plug straight into the same SATA connectors) and I can confirm that the 710+ runs cool and quiet using 2.5"drives, although its power consumption will still be higher than a 409slim due to the Atom mobo in the 710+.

"I spent 90% of my money on women, drink and fast cars. The rest I wasted." - George Best