I guess you're on the Option 2 package if you've got 10Mbps upstream?
Yep. And to be honest for the cost I am totally happy with the service so far. I use the Openreach supplied modem, but the BT HomeHub has just stayed in it's box, it was quite simple to figure out how to configure the Draytek. The 10Mbps was the whole reason I went for FTTC, I upload lots of client pictures and it actually does save me time.
So far they don't seem bothered that I am not using their hub, never really noticed any downtime, but I do have automatic fall over to the other ADSL line, so I guess I wouldn't notice anyway. In April I will loose the backup ADSL and use a 3G USB stick in the router for emergencies only.
I have found the initial backup to JungleDisk painfully slow though, it has taken all day to backup 5Gb and was no where near using the 10Mbps available. I think I'm going to give this a go for a while until such time I can share a beer with Andy and discuss in more details the ReadyNAS solution
