And I'm using an HTC Hero which is supposed to be one of the "bread and butter" Android phones, not super fast but not the slowest either.
I'm sorry to say this, but yes, that is the slowest of Android phones. It has the same CPU as all the first-rounders just like the G1. Compared to the Snapdragon and Hummingbird phones out there today and the phones set to come out soon, it's quite slow...
It also uses HTC Sense, which is not plain Android, and one of the manufacturer skins that's blamed for creating a poor user experience on these phones.
I will never buy another Android phone unless it has the plain Android experience on it. It works beautifully on my Nexus One, so I'm happy.
Re: WP7, I'm very curious to hear your results, Tom. I do think Phone 7 looks like a very nice OS, and I give MS all the credit they deserve for daring to completely ditch their old OS and start fresh. Then again, I gave the same credit to Palm. I think MS has more weight they can put behind the products, though, and they don't have most of the same problems Palm did (however you feel about the WP7 commercials, they're nowhere near the failure of the Pre ads).
How well does the phone integrate with the services you use? I know that was a big issue with your Android phone. Heck, how exactly do you use it on the Mac? Is there MacOS software?