Honestly in the end I didn't pick the model. For the WAN we'll be using two 50/10Mbps Comcast cable connections.
Ah. There are better options out there if you're just doing that and the WAN side presented as just regular ethernet but as it wasn't your decision there isn't much you can do about it. What feature set do you have enabled for the 2921? You going to have to configure it or do you have a Cisco person?
Unfortunately I'm going to have to configure it myself and I'm a little nervous because I haven't dealt with this level of networking before

Fortunately I don't want to do anything extremely fancy. I want to do whatever I can to make the network solid and if you have tips on how to secure it against a dumb kid plugging in a router incorrectly that would be great. I'll be doing some QoS to limit the P2P stuff too.
One thing I'm not certain about is the wireless access points. The customer and the architect didn't listen to me very well and decided that, in the four floors of living space, they wanted a total of
seven APs. How on earth do I configure that? Should the all have the same SSID? Should they all be on the same channel or different ones? Should I just disconnect half of them and not tell anyone?