As a Pre early adopter, I'm coming up on my two year contract expiration date in June, so I'll be giving the Pre 3 some serious consideration. Unfortunately, it really does look like they're just playing catch-up with Android/Apple specs as they are now, not what they'll be in six months, and despite how much I prefer the slider with portrait physical keyboard form factor, I'm going to have to consider other options if I'm going to commit to another 2 year contract.
I still don't think can stomach a phone without a physical keyboard, so the iPhone is probably still out, but the selection of Android phones with physical keyboards is much better than it used to be. I still don't think there's a portrait slider with physical keyboard (correct me if I'm wrong) but I could *probably* adjust to landscape keyboard if I had to.
My homework assignment over the next few months will be to spend some significant time looking at some Android models to see if any of them appeal to me. If not, the Pre 3 might be the winner by default.