Does anyone know how to change the email address that calendar reminders and invitations are sent from? I can't find a preference for doing this.
Google's different apps don't seem well integrated at all, which is something I've mentioned before. For instance, I added an alternate email address to my "account" and responded to the verification email. Then I noticed it didn't show up in my Google Mail. So I added it there. And had to reply to ANOTHER verification email. Lame. I set that account as primary so that "all mail" would be sent using it. That doesn't apply to anything outside the Google Mail UI it seems.
I have both a regular Google account as well as a Google domain account - they are very different. The Google domain account is not a "Google account" and I can't use its login to sign in to any Google account login page. I have to go to a specific page at Google for my domain to do anything.
So far I've tried creating Calendars at both and am unable to use an alternate email address. The Google domain account I have is for one of my secondary domains, but I'd like to use my primary corporate email address since that's the address I actually give out to people.
EDIT. Screw it.

I've signed up for yet ANOTHER Google domain account, adding docs and calendar to my primary corporate domain.