Ah, now that's a neat one. That may do the trick. Thanks.

I did have a couple of ADM8515 ones, like I said, that were in a really small case that was essentially just a dongle on the end of an ethernet cable. There seem to be loads of the same
looking thing around, but of course the innards are all different, and none of the sellers seem to know what they actually are

The USB ports are true USB 2.0 high speed, although for most purposes the 100Mbit throughput of the ethernet adaptor wouldn't be required. It's mainly for software development, via NFS mounts, as the ethernet interface was omitted from this version for weight reasons...
The device in question is running 2.6.32.something at the moment. It needs to be a more recent one, definitely, but that's another problem that will get sorted in the end. It works with most of the things it needs to. I'm quite pleased, it was the end result of a lot of fairly complex work
