Thanks, that goes a long way in my brain to explain what is happening smile

I have the FW800 model, which I think means it's 2nd generation. Overall with the Drobo I am amazed how slow it is at everything. I no longer use it for day to day use, it was just too slow. It acts as a massive Time Machine now and therefore my 3rd point of backup. It's not much good for anything else.

I know Photographers who use one with Lightroom and swear by it, but I think there is a little emperors new clothes going on. With the stock fan it's so noisy it's unture, and both read and write speeds slow Lightroom to the point I couldn't see the point in having a Mac Pro waiting around all the time for the Drobo.

But thanks for the explanation, I guess I'll just leave it for a couple more days smile

