I'll be more specific. I'm not looking for a set of headphones with great sound or anything, I'm just trying to find something that seems too specific to exist.

The most-used app on my phone is my podcast client (I LOVE it). For the longest time, when I wasn't listening in the car, I'd be listening with my headphones that came with my Nexus One. They're a headset with a mic (not in the best location), but the main thing they have is three buttons for controls. With my podcast client these buttons pause (and answer calls), and fast forward and rewind.

There are two problems with these headphones. The first is that they fall out of my ears if I'm running (which I'm trying to start doing). The second is that the buttons have started to malfunction (the plastic is pretty cheap).

The problem with replacing these headphones is that I can't find a single set that even has these controls on them! I didn't think they'd be THIS rare and specific to my phone. In addition to that, there's the problem (in my view) that headphone manufacturers have decided to make nothing but iPhone headphones. Every single set I come across has the iPhone control button on it, which is nearly useless for other phones. I understand why they make these sets, since so many people have iPhones, but there's starting to be lots of people with other phones, too.

I have a set with the iPhone button on it, and all I can do now is pause and answer calls, but I can't FF and RW, and this is essential for me when Leo Laporte does his five minute ads on TWiT wink

Do you guys know of any sets like this?

In a perfect world, I'd also love it if there were an inline solution that I could use in my car, so I could plug into my AUX in and have these physical controls. But for now, I'd be happy to find replacement headphones.