I've been using it since this morning and I like it. It definitively faster.

I didn't care for the cosmetic changes though, but I've installed the status-4-evar add-on TonyC already linked to, put the tabs below the URL bar again and brought the menu bar back. That was easy enough to do and now it looks like "my FireFox" again. smile

There's just one thing it still doesn't do, something Chrome does do and one of my main reasons for using Chrome (I use both FF and Chrome simultaneously). See, I have a habit of using A LOT of tabs. Eg, when I read an online newspaper, I'll first open each article I want to read in a separate tab and when all are opened I'll start reading. Now, the more tabs are opened, the smaller those tabs become. That's the same with every brower. But where Chrome differs from the rest is what happens when you CLOSE the tab. With Chrome, I can read a tab, and click close, and the next tab will open, and it's closing cross will be exactly underneath my mouse cursor, so I can keep reading and simply clicking to close the tabs one by one. I do not need to move my cursor. Chrome will not adjust the size of the remaining tabs until I move my cursor from the last tab I was reading. If I don't move it at all, the remaining tabs stay the same size - which is what I want.

With FireFox I can do the same, but at a certain moment in time as more and more tabs close, FF will start to enlarge the size of the remaining tabs. When it does, my cursor will no longer be on top of the closing cross of the next tab, so that means I'll have to move my cursor in order to close it.

Reading this back, it seems incredibly stupid even to me... but it's just such a great and handy feature! I wished every browser would handle closing tabs the way Chrome does. You know, it's the little things that make the difference... (if somebody knows of a add-on that can emulate this chrome-tab behaviour with FireFox, please let me know!)
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