Originally Posted By: drakino
As for the actual service, I'm going to give it a look probably this weekend. The downside is yet another service using up data to mobile devices at a time when the carriers are really trying to tighten down with transfer caps. I wonder how much longer it will be before the tech companies just band together to build a better internet to allow them to keep moving forward. Google is already on this path with the gigabit experiment.

That's a good point, Tom, and this will probably use up a bit of data, though probably not enough to push against most caps on its own. Video is the real killer there.

I'm all for companies like this going over the heads of the ISPs and the recording industries. I'm sure they could be just as evil, but at least it usually benefits them to help out the consumer a little while they're doing it, whereas it seems the companies currently in charge are actively anti-customer.

I've been playing around with the service a little more, and my opinions haven't changed at all. It's funny, I've heard some tech journalists call Amazon's service an iTunes competitor. I've heard just as many call it a Dropbox competitor. In reality, it's solidly in-between those two services, and in both good and bad ways. It's still extremely clunky and poorly designed for the most part, but it's great for basic and easy access to your files and music. Dropbox, on the other hand is not really great for music stuff and costs too much for my taste. But for what it does, it's sort of magical.

I don't see Apple having much trouble when they come out with their own service. Well, except for people like me who won't use it, but I don't matter to them. They already have millions of iTunes users, and even the people who started buying their music from Amazon when iTunes was DRM have gone back to Apple just because it's easier even if it's not only cheaper. Using Apple's cloud service will be the same way. Some might use Amazon briefly, but switch when the other product is ready. Of course, this is assuming Apple will start such a service. I'm assuming that, but what about you folks?

Edited by Dignan (30/03/2011 23:28)