I have a red MkII AR faceplate that I would trade for a green MkII AR. Heck, I'd even trade it for a blue at this point, but would pay a premium for green. What will a green faceplate sell for on the eStore later this year? I'll double it for a virgin green lens. I don't know how to use Paypal, but I'm sure I can figure it out.

Why the rush? Well (for anybody lusting after a red lens...) essentially my Empeg is presently only really usable at night. Yes, Tony, I checked the dimmer FAQ and both my dimmer settings are 100% and the VFD appears to be working correctly (it is still visible at night with lowest dimmer settings). On any sort of a modestly bright day, though, whether exposed to direct sunlight or not, the display is not readable. I expect to find myself on page 1 of the Seattle Times "Man runs over 14 while attempting to play music. State considers ban on non-voice-activated MP3 players while driving".

As far as I am concerned, this display issue seems like the one Achilles heel of the Empeg -- a source of possible grave disappointment for folks with red/amber dash lighting. I first observed this on the boat in direct sunlight, but didn't imagine it might remain as big a problem in the car. Is it possible that I'm still doing something wrong? I wish! I am open to any suggestions short of adding a visor to my dashboard. By all reports, the green and blue improve upon this. I truly hope so, as I didn't really want to tint my car windows really, really dark for any other reason.

I've been looking to obtain a green faceplate through Rio channels since, what, April? I understand that they are held up in manufacturing now, but I have little faith that they'll appear on the U.S. eStore anytime soon. Sleds, which have supposedly been in the U.S. for (6?) weeks are still not listed on the eStore.

Any small mercies appreciated,


Edited by jimhogan on 13/07/01 06:11 PM.


'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.