A bit of googling yields...

But the really amusing thing to me (in terms of the cluelessness of the American media, at least) happened a bit later. The happy couple exited the Palace, to get on with their lives (as it were), in dashing style indeed -- in a dashing Aston Martin (and oh, so, James-Bond-esque) convertible, complete with the "Just Married!" streamers tied to the rear bumper. Behind the wheel (no chauffeur!), driving with panache, was Prince William. But the truly funny thing about the scene -- once again -- completely went over the heads of the American media.

If you see footage of the cute little convertible, driven by the new Duke with new Duchess by his side, take a close look at the front of the car. On the grill is a square badge with the letter "L" on it. This is funny, to the Brits, because it is a somewhat-traditional wedding prank usually performed on the groom.

The "L" stands for "Learner." This plaque is required by law on all cars being driven by young Brits who only have what the Americans would call a "learner's permit." It's actually a really good idea, because it warns all the other drivers around that there's a newbie behind the wheel. Which is why it makes for such a good wedding-car prank...

Get it? (Wink wink, nudge nudge?)

Edited by gbeer (30/04/2011 01:11)
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