Originally Posted By: andym
If you're in the market for buying lenses I'd have a look at Ken Rockwell's website. He's not to everyone's tastes, but I find his pages on what lenses to buy quite interesting.

I was happy to see his review of the lens that came bundled with my camera. He liked it, said that it might be the only lens one would ever need. I don't believe that for a second, but at least it means it's a good all-around lens and I'll only need other lenses for specialty work.

Generally I'm happy with the D5100 camera and the lens. Feels good, photo results are quite good, a ton of control over everything, tons of options for doing what I want to do.

Found the in-camera HDR setting. You have to be in one of the manual shooting modes first, then it ungrays in the configuration/settings menus, then it only activates for the next shutter press and deactivates itself again... blech. But the results are pretty.

Mostly I'm happy with the low-noise sensor in this camera. Even at very high ISO settings I'm hard pressed to find noise (or NR artifacts) in the resulting images. There are some ultra high ISO settings that don't even have ISO numbers associated with them that show noise, but the more reasonable ranges are practically noise free. This, of course, is the thing I always wanted to see in the small cameras I've owned, but it's still not possible at those small sizes.

This camera might actually get me to start uploading pictures to my flickr account.
Tony Fabris