Sounds like you're the one holding the hammer.

True, but I don't hit non-nails with it- there's the difference

FWIW, it's possible to run perl on Windows, too. If you're uncomfortable with the scripts being on a linux box, perhaps step one should be move them to a Windows machine, so that you can at least admin the machine.
This idea was tossed around, but my opinion is, the more changes we make to the environment, the more risk we introduce to a very risk adverse situation.
I'm fairly certain we will be able to rid ourselves of these scripts in the next two years, but for now they must go up and fast. Being that we're already having to bring a dozen or so web/windows apps/services written in C# and Delphi, I'm personally not ready to tackle unballing these scripts and placing them on a windows box, and I think that's the situation for the rest of the team as well. I'd much rather get someone who knows what they are doing get it up and running (your contract is safe, Bitt!)