includes 100MB of 3G data a month for 36 months
Actually, it's only for 24 months. But I was comparing not to the 3G model but to the WiFi-only model which is also just over $1000 over 3 years.
The benefit comes from what's essentially out-sourced IT/support, which I imagine should be easier to access than Apple support. But then there's a complete lack of a track record from Google here, so it's a big gamble to take for any company. Though you're only paying $28 per month, you're locked for the 36 month term price, with the only termination option being a lump-sum payment of your balance.
Anyway, I only brought up the MBP options as stark comparisons to what some consider a luxury item. This move really has no bearing on Apple's sales nor product line. There are other off-brand products that will compare even more favorably. The big potential loser here is Microsoft. The OEMs producing these systems have already lost long ago pushing slim margin disposables, but MS stands to lose a lot of licensing fees going forward.