There's one last odd thing keeping me holding on to my beloved Nexus One: the dock.
It's odd to me that none of the other phone makers have cloned that part of the iPod/iPhone ecosystem. When the iPhone 3G didn't come with a dock in the box (like the initial iPhone did), I bought the Apple universal dock instead. Whenever I get a new phone, I just buy a cheap little plastic insert for the universal dock. Some iPhone case manufacturers even make dock inserts that match the phone case.
Docks in general seem to be going away. I remember years ago, almost every PDA came with one (including my old Palm III, Palm V and iPaq), and there were docks for almost every mobile phone. Much more rare to see them these days.
My wife's case came with an insert for the universal dock. Of course, here's where I also complain that Apple's universal dock is WAY too expensive. I think the official one was something like $65.
But the issue is that I don't want my phone to dock like the iPhone docks. With my N1, docking doesn't mean plugging anything in, I just place the phone on the dock and the contacts at the bottom meet. It's like it's just shy of inductive charging. It's nice to be able to just grab my phone off the dock - it's kind of hard to explain. I guess I'd switch to more of a plug-in dock, but as you've observed, docks seem to be going the way of the dodo. Even iPhone docks seem to be disappearing, unless you want something with speakers built in (I do not).
It's killing me that I can't identify my next phone yet. I love my Nexus One, but I want to sell it while I can still get something for it.
Uhhh... let me get this straight. You have a phone that you really like, it does all the things you want it to do, and new phones lack some of the features that you already have with your N1.
So, of course you want to get rid of it and buy something else. Makes sense to me.

Yeah, you've got it right. And what exactly makes sense about a geek's usual desire for upgraded hardware?

As much as I love my N1, it already shows its age. If you look at the latest phones coming out, they simply crush the N1's speed, in addition to other nice hardware improvements like screen quality/size.
There's also the issue I've already mentioned that when/if the T-Mobile purchase happens, even though my phone will be usable it'll be completely unsellable (well, I'm sure someone would pick it up for $30 or something). I'd rather get out in front of that.
Maybe it can't run Gingersnap-yoghurt-raisin-crunchberry or whatever the OS is called this week.

Tsk tsk, you have to admit, Bruno, that was a weak one for you.

Ice Cream Sandwich.

Indeed, and no Bruno, I don't know if it would run it. I wouldn't be surprised if it did though.