How do you mean it doesn't work? In the 1.03 Mk 2 image, the player reportedly does output correctly from:
If you've made the change in config.ini, what editor did you make the change with? If it was saved in "windows format" (CarriageReturn-LineFeed at end of every line), it won't be read by the player correctly.
If you're unsure about whether it contains CR-LF combinations, open the file in a hex editor (in DOS, debug will work) and look for the characters "0A 0D". The 0D (Line Feed)is the problem. There are editors for windows (UltraEdit32 is worth the registration!) that can save the file in Unix format (no LF).
Of course, if you edited it in Linux, the format is probably OK.
If this doesn't help, Post a copy of your config.ini (as attachment), and we can tell you if it's kosher.
_~= Dearing =~_
"WAY too happy about having #99."
_~= Dearing =~_
Gettin' back into it thanks to slimrio!