I'd love to get some input on a few upgrades I've been considering for my camera. I have an Olympus E-PL1 that I'm really liking, but there are a few things I'd be interested in purchasing for it. I will list them from most to least wanted:

1) GPS - I currently have an Eye-Fi card, but as much as I LOVE the technology it just isn't suited for anything but a point and shoot. I want to start shooting in JPEG+RAW, and the file sizes will simply be to big to reasonably pass through WiFi, even 802.11n. But currently my Eye-Fi gives me location data (using WiFi). It's not perfect, but it works shockingly well. What would be the best way to get location data into my photos with my camera?

2) A better flash - the flash on the E-PL1 is just not good. It's bright enough, but the quality is just awful. I recently read on Lifehacker about the easiest/cheapest way to improve flash quality: hold a plastic spoon in front of it. Surprisingly, it works really well! It also looks completely ridiculous. I'd like to get something small and not too expensive.

3) A better all-around lens - Mostly, I'd like something that did a better job at low light. The only reason I have this last is that I'm pretty satisfied with the results I'm getting now, and I know this will be the most expensive component to upgrade.

I'm not looking to become a pro photographer, or even a hobbyist. I want a setup that will take reliably good photos, with the information I'd like (GPS). I appreciate any input you guys have.