Originally Posted By: tanstaafl.
Wouldn't that just add another layer of complexity to the directory stucture? Instead of looking at a directory, I would be looking at a pointer that points to the directory... not too sure what the advantage is, other than reducing the amount of physical file movement, which isn't all that great to begin with. Average of a gigabyte per week, which amounts to six one-hundredths of one percent of the data on the drive.
But you implied that it's the amount of physical file movement that stops you taking incremental backups all the time. If none of the files ever actual moves, you can untick "Replicate file deletions" or whatever it's called, and incremental backups will remain small.
Would I have to go through and directory by directory create the shortcuts? That's over 4600 of them. Or is there some automated process that would do them for me?
You (or someone) would have to write a very simple script that did it.
