Originally Posted By: mlord
Originally Posted By: Dignan
What is this separate site you're going to to install SP3? Is there a reason you're not going through Windows Update? It's not like Windows Update didn't exist before SP3.

Heh.. even us Linux folks know that Microsoft has disabled Windows Update for all versions of XP prior to SP3.

I'm really not sure what you're talking about. Windows Update will work on any version of Windows XP. I can only assume you mean that Microsoft no longer supports anything prior to SP3, which I remember them saying, though I really don't have any idea what that means in practice (they've never seemed very good at "supporting" Windows in general).

And when I'm talking about Windows Update, I still count when you go through Windows Update and it insists you install SP3. That's still Windows Update working as it should.

I still regularly come across clients with Windows XP running SP2. I've never once had a problem simply running Windows Update and installing random patches and SP3.

I would think that, in particular, a brand new computer with SP2 would be especially easy to update. Yes, it's going to take a very long time and require many reboots, but I rarely run into update installation problems on brand new Windows installs. Though YMMV.

Edited by Dignan (04/08/2011 15:41)