I'm having trouble finding information on a specific type of product. I'm looking for a projector screen, but not for the home. I'm looking for the type used in business meetings, and I have a few requirements for it.

Mainly, I need something that's as light and portable as possible. The aspect ratio isn't terribly important, and as long as the size should be more than around 60". I'm also looking for a price under $200, preferably under $150.

For some reason I'm having a devil of a time researching my options here. It's proving to be a challenging search for some reason.

So far the best I've come up with (and really, the only one I've come up with) is this Epson screen, but I've read a little online that says you end up with a crease in the very middle where the two halves come together. I'm guessing the screen is too taught when closed.

In the past, I've used the kind of screen where it's all encased in one large hard case, which you open up, extend a long pole, then pull the screen up from the floor and attach it to the pole. It's a decent design, but it wasn't very light from what I remember. I'm looking for something hopefully pretty light.

Any suggestions? Have you folks used anything you like in this product category?