I was listing to the radio and heard about the first tower being hit. I at first blew it off as a small plane accident but when the DJ said to turn on the TV. I then knew it was big deal. You don’t hear the DJ’s telling you to turn off the radio.

A few months later my manager left and the company hired a guy who was in one of tower when it was hit. He said it changed his life totally.

He talked a few times about it but not much. He said one the scariest times was when they were walking down the stairs (I think he was on 70 something floor) and jet fuel started running down the walls. A lot of his co-workers didn’t make it out. He said one of the ladies he worked with was overweight and could not make it down the stairs as fast as he and the rest if the people were going. He had to leave her and she didn’t make it.