Well I finally got this electronic Swiss Army knife.
So far I don’t like it. It’s not that the machine is inadequate it’s that I expected much more from Android. I’ve been working with PC’s since 1980 and I just expected this to be easier to use after all the years of “computer progress.” Yea, I know, if I want easy buy Apple. It took me hours to setup Google voice on this and I had to also buy groove IP to make it work, and it’s still has issues.
OK enough rant.
Why didn't it work? From what I'm able to gather from your post, it sounds like you're trying to get Google Voice to work as a voip service. Google Voice IS NOT a voip service. That's why you needed Groove IP. On a regular phone, Google Voice does nothing more on your end but initiate a regular cell phone call to your carrier using your voice plan and consuming your talk minutes. It does not connect through the data plan.
«» What is the best way or tool to use to connect up to a PC share? Maybe like a file manager type program. I would have though this would be delivered and easy, but no.
I'm not sure what you're asking for here. Are you asking for a way to view files on your computer or a networked hard drive via the handset? Honestly I'm not sure because I don't use my Android handset to view any video media. I use Google Music which lets me avoid any syncing with my desktop directly.
Airsync with Double Twist should get you syncing wirelessly from your computer, using an interface much like iTunes. That should be a good way to organize all your media.
«» Looks like in order for the delivered Google navigation “stuff” to work you must be connected to wifi. Is there a way I can download the maps so I don’t have to be connected or does anyone know of a better navigation program?
Yes, it needs a data connection to initiate navigation. Once you're on your way you don't need it anymore.
However, the answer to your question is, actually, YES! Check
this out.
«» Does any group or company independently rate programs or recommend them? Since there a re thousands of Android programs out there I imagine many are junk or will put junk permanently on my machine
Honestly, I just tend to pick up app recommendations from my daily web travels. I get them from blogs, podcasts, and other web denizens like the Android owners here. This is a universal issue for smartphones, frankly. However, you should be fine to try out random apps on the market if you pay attention to the rating and the number of votes/downloads an app has received.
That said, there are certainly threads on this very board where Android owners like me have listed dozens and dozens of their favorite apps.