Originally Posted By: andy
So if you use it as an alarm clock and you accidentally leave it on silent it won't wake you ?

Exactly. I think the silent-switch on the iPhone behaves correctly: It silences rings, SMS message notifications, etc., but doesn't silence a wake-up alarm. If I go to sleep, I don't want the phone to ring or SMS-beep while I sleep, but I certainly want its alarm to wake me if I've set an alarm.

Not that I'd have an alarm set to go off during a movie. For me, the silent switch is enough for a movie or a concert. I'm just saying, for the general public, there are some people who do need to turn their phone all the way off for whatever reason. Maybe the "silent" buzzer is still distracting to them or their neighbors. Maybe they feel the buzzer and are compelled to check their messages during the movie, thus annoying their neighbors. That sort of thing. I'm just saying that it's very mean of cell phone companies to make the phone play a non-defeatable melody when the phone powers on or off.

And while we're on the subject of the silent switch, I love the fact that the iPhone has a flip switch for that purpose, that I can feel with my fingertip without removing the phone from my pocket. Brilliant.
Tony Fabris