Well honestly, in most cases it doesn't matter how readable the compiled source code is. Unless you have some ultra important trade knowledge tucked away in your code, it just doesn't matter that someone can see how you did what you did.

And if you are writing code that IS sensitive, then you better make sure you hire developers who think about this stuff. Most probably don't because most probably don't need to.

Which is not to say that I disagree about scary developers. .Net (and Java- and other fancy languages for that matter) have definitely lowered the bar to getting compiled programs working, meaning just about anyone can write something the compiles and runs. Back in the day, if you didn't know what you were doing it was hard to get something running without some skill, much less making it do anything useful. Nowadays the tools are so powerful that it doesn't take much skill to get something running that does basically what you want- the skill comes with writing code that takes into account maintenence and an appropriate level of security- and on initial writing these items aren't valued as they should be. So any old (or young, really) developer will do, and people like me who make noise about it when people are writing crappy code are ignored in the name of getting it done, then stuck with figuring out how to miantain difficult code that has security risks.

But at least I'm not bitter.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.