Well, I started my first really big transfer to my empeg last night, and I wake up (7 or 8 hours later) and it is still going! (Although it has made some serious progress.) I figured it would take a while, and this normally wouldn't be a problem, except for the fact that I'm supposed to leave on a really long (19 hr) car trip in an hour and a half, which looks like may (or may not) cut off the transfer. So my question is, what ill-effects occur if I have to unplug that usb cable when I have to leave? Does it stop neatly, or am I going to corrupt the filesystem or something? Will I be able to play all the playlists that have transferred so far?

Also, I'm correct in assuming the USB is faster that the 10 Mbps Ethernet transfer, yes?
And the 10 Mbps ethernet is limited (from 100 Mbps) in hardware, not software right? It would be nice to speed up those displayserver backups :) (btw Frank, impressive program, thanks)



30 GB - Mk2a (Rio Car) - BLUE
1998 BMW ///M3 30 GB Mk2a, Tuner, and 10 GB backup