For the third time within a month, my 128GB SSDNOW V100 has crapped out when restarting my Mac. For many months it was living as my boot drive installed where the CD drive normally lives. One day rebooting the Mac wouldn't come back up. Running disk utility from another disk reported invalid node structure and inability to repair. Only option is reformat and restore.

Thankfully I have recent backups at all times via Time Machine, so I'm only down a few hours for the restore process itself. The last time this happened I moved the drive over to the primary HD location just in case it was the Mac causing the disk to crap out due to an inability to enter hibernation when running from a drive in the CD location.

But his has happened with 50% battery level and searching the net I've found other affected people with a similar story. Many using OCZ Vertex products, but a number also using Kingston. Same invalid node structure. It seems that new firmware versions for the drives haven't been able to help. The only positive thing I saw was about some destructive firmware flash for the Vertex helping some of its customers - but none had replied to the thread to indicate performance after 3 weeks.

It looks like I'm going to send this thing back to Kingston, but I'm going to be super paranoid about installing whatever they send me back.

Has anyone had any long-term (1 year+) success with an SSD in a MacBook Pro? I may simply need to invest in a new drive from a different brand.
Twisted Melon : Fine Mac OS Software