Originally Posted By: wfaulk
That said, in my experience, the number one reason for eggs sticking is cooking them over too high a heat. I think we all have a tendency to want to make the stove way too hot. Whenever I cook eggs now, I set the temp to a quarter of the way up, at most. Honestly, I think the lower you set it, the better it will be, but there's a definite tradeoff between quality and time. I don't think many people would choose marginally better eggs if they took 20 minutes to cook.

I agree with all of this. We cook our eggs in a stainless steel pan and don't have sticking issues anymore, and they turn out a lot better.

We've also, like you, been cooking at lower heat for many cooking purposes. The primary one being when we cook with cast iron. After posting the question here about cleaning cast iron, one of the suggestions was that we were cooking at too-high heat, and that was absolutely right. Since then, we've never turned the heat on our cast iron pans up more than half way. Even half way can burn some foods.