Good point. I thought the point of a computer game was that you didn't have to deal with, you know, people.
Thankfully not everyone shares this view, allowing some of us to be employed at companies that specialize in social games

For the PC gaming industry at large, MMOs were seen as both a cash cow, and one solution to the piracy issue. Sure, MMO server emulators exist, and some people play via them, but it's not the same experience when playing on one compared to paying.
It is good to see that Bioware took their MMO attempt seriously. Some companies tried to just throw an MMO out to grab at the cash they saw Origin earning with Ultima online, then SOE earning with Everquest, and more recently Blizzard with WoW. The ones that were eyeing the cash side without putting proper resources into it tended to launch some pretty crappy games in the genre. Sure, Bioware/EA will be racking in the money, but they put in a proper investment to get there. And it's one that does boost the quality of the theme park style MMO above what Blizzard did with WoW.