That's different.

By appying your logic, I could then have my employees come to your house, install cameras in your garden just outside it, and use your internet connection to have live feed broadcasted to my headquarters, and that would be fine because I could be walking outside your house and see it, couldn't I?

The problem is that software on my PC must do what I expect it to do, and must provide precise and clear info, easily accessible, on what it does. Then, if I don't read the disclaimers, if I don't understand the technology, well, that's another story.
I don't expect software on my PC to get MAC addresses and SSID, as well as HDD usage patterns, or brands and models of my hardware components, or how long I keep my pc on, and send it via the internet to Apple, or Microsoft, or RedHat, or Amazon.

Unless I agree in doing so.
= Taym =
MK2a #040103216 * 100Gb *All/Colors* Radio * 3.0a11 * Hijack = taympeg