I honestly didn't have any of the same complaints about Alcatraz. Sam Neil's character is obviously not supposed to be the age of the actor. Maybe something is revealed in a later episode about him. I figure he was 20 at the start of the episode.
And what about my issue with her grandfather? Honestly, I was going to give the show a shot and watch the first few episodes to see if it got any better, but every time I thought about that whole thing with her grandfather, it was just something I couldn't look past. That was just lazy script writing, IMO. Like I'm glad you like it, but I can't agree that it's without big flaws.
Also, saying it does things better than Person of Interest sets a VERY low bar for me. I agree with you, but that was a show with a pilot episode I hated. The dialog in that was also cliched and boring, the acting was FAR worse than Alcatraz, and the single shining light was Michael Emerson, who still had terrible lines but delivered them like a champ.
I've heard a lot of complaints about this season of The Walking Dead, but I've really enjoyed it. More than Fringe, even, and I like Fringe a lot (both shows more than Lost).
I might agree that it was better than the current season of Fringe (maybe), but certainly not the entire run.
Thinking about it more, I think my primary problem with The Walking Dead is that I don't find any of the characters interesting. The ONLY compelling character is Daryl. There are some other characters who are entertaining, but none of the others are very three dimensional. It's interesting to me that Daryl is the only character still on the show who wasn't in the comics at all.