Originally Posted By: DWallach
The way to test this... is to get another Mac and see if it does any better.

I have a brand new (well, new to me, but used) iMac sitting in a box under the kitchen table that I have just been too terrified to open up and install. It is a 20" model, replacing the her 17" iMac in which the screen is dying the nearly universal death that afflicts 17" iMacs: thin, vertical lines down the display. It started with one, went to two, now there are something like 23 of them, and the problem is not repairable since there are no replacement 17" screens.

But the thought of hooking those machines together, and then going through her totally unorganized packrat-collection data and picking through and moving it over to the new iMac... I keep hoping the house will get hit by a meteorite or something. But, maybe this would be a good time to bite the bullet and start the project.

But first, I'll try the USB trick and see what happens. Is it possible to connect both the USB and the Ethernet cables at the same time and have it work?

EDIT Yes, the iMac prints when connected by USB.


Edited by tanstaafl. (07/03/2012 17:31)
"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"